Server Information

World Name Classic
Environment live
Server speed 1
Maximum number of shops 1
Maximum number of lands 2
Cooldown in days after a Diplomatic Exchange status 15
Minimum number of days to fight 7
Minimum Age in days for Religion Level 1 Position 0
Minimum Age in days for Religion Level 2 Position 60
Minimum Age in days for Religion Level 3 Position 30
Minimum Age in days for Religion Level 4 Position 7
Minimum age in days for Regent Role 90
Minimum age in days for Vassal Role 60
Minimum age in days for Judge Role 30
Minimum age in days for Guard Captain Role 7
Minimum age in days for Tower Guard Role 7
Minimum age in days for Academy Director Role 30
Minimum age in days for Drill Master Role 30
Maximum war duration in days 21
Waiting days before declaring a new war 3
Minimum days of citizenship to declare a revolt 30
Minimum days of citizenship to join attack faction 30
Minimum days of citizenship to join defense faction 30
Hours elapsed between War Declaration and BattleField Creation 48
Hours between Battlefield Creation and First Battle Round 12
Hours between Last Battle Round and Battlefield Destruction 18
Days that must pass before a new revolt can be declared. 2
Hours elapsed between War Declaration and BattleField Creation 16
Hours between Battlefield Creation and First Battle Round 12
Hours between Last Battle Round and Battlefield Destruction 18
Regions' conquests
Hours elapsed between War Declaration and BattleField Creation 48
Hours between Battlefield Creation and First Battle Round 12
Number of hours that must pass for the next Battle Round 8
Hours between Last Battle Round and Battlefield Destruction 18
Native Riots
Aproximate days between Natives' Riots 7